Robinia Pseudoacacia
False Acacia, Black Locust Bonsai
Native to North America. This species of the Robinia genus has proven popular with Bonsai enthusiasts for its adaptability and dazzling aesthetic. False Acacia bears aromatic white flowers in the summer among its lance-shaped dark green leaves.
False Acacia, Black Locust Bonsai Care Tips
Place your Flase Acacia in full sun in an outdoor location. They can tolerate partial shade. These fully hardy species can be sensitive to expeditious frosts arriving in Autumn. Only consider protecting from frosts in winter for temperatures beneath -10 degrees C. Be mindful that very strong winds can snap the brittle branches so consider protection form these if necessary.
False Acacia demand regular watering but be sure not to overwater as this will bring on root rot. The soil should be allowed to dry out between waterings.
Feeding & Fertilising
Feed your False Acacia every two weeks across the growing season. This species can take in nitrogen from the air so a nitrogen-rich feed is not necessary during the early growing season.
Pruning & Wiring
New growth should be trimmed back during the growing season. Hard pruning can be done after the leaves fall in Autumn. Suckers that appear on the base should be removedas soon as possible unless desired.
False Acacia is appropriate for upright informal styles on single or multiple trunks. We recommend using wires with a thickness that matches the thickness of the branch: if the wire you choose is too thick you will damage the bark. If it is too thin, it won’t be effective.
Repotting your tree is an important way to provide a fresh and suitable soil mix and ensure appropriate root health. Every other year repot your False Acacia bonsai in the Spring.
Trees that are ready for repotting will require root pruning, a suitable new pot and appropriate soil mix.
When repotting, do not cut back the root mass by a large amount, and choose a well-draining soil mix that has a neutral or slightly higher PH value of 5-6 but not over 7. We tend to use a mixture of different speciality bonsai soils on our trees. Every species is different so please contact us for free soil-mix advice or to take advantage of our repotting service.
Bonsai trees aren’t only magnificent additions to an indoor oasis, they are more than capable of standing out in any garden. Many Bonsai species are incredibly hardy and withstand nature’s colder and damper turns with aplomb making them worthwhile outdoor plants. We have an extensive library of care guides for outdoor bonsai trees. It’s not about selecting the perfect bonsai, it’s about selecting the perfect bonsai for you.
False Acacia, Black Locust Bonsai - Typical Queries
Are False Acacia prone to pests and diseases?
False Acacia as a bonsai species are relatively trouble-free and should not incur pests or diseases with the proper care.
How to propagate False Acacia bonsai?
False Acacia can be propagated with seeds, cuttings and through air layering. Autumn is the window to sow seeds outside. Use hardwood cuttings that can planted in Autumn. Air layering can take place in the Spring.
Can you keep a False Acacia bonsai indoors?
A False Acacia bonsai can be kept indoors, however, as a fully hardy species that thrives in full sun, it’s best to keep it outdoors. If indoor growing is your only option, consistent bright and indirect light is a must for this bonsai.