
Daphne Bonsai

Native across Asia and Southern Europe. This genus of evergreen shrubs boasts some 50 species popular the world over. Daphne x burkwoodii is a particularly popular species for bonsai among many, all of which are renowned for their incredible scent. 

Daphne Bonsai Care Tips

Daphne are species that appreciate full sun and only partial shade for the height of summer. Where possible keep the plant pot from heating in summer’s hottest weeks. This is a hardy species that can typically withstand between -10 to -15 degrees C. Daphne has been noted for its ability to handle frosts and cold snaps in temperate regions if in the appropriate soil mix. 

Water your Daphne bonsai daily throughout the summer months. Outside of summer, check the top soil moisture to measure your watering regime. Daphne are noted as finicky plants that  do not respond well to waterlogged soil. 

Daphne bonsai should be fed across the growing season with a balanced feed every fortnight. 

Pruning your bonsai is important not only to create or maintain an aesthetic style but also to ensure optimal health. Daphne bonsai are suitable for pruning after the flowers have faded. Growth can be trimmed from then onwards into the growing season. 

Daphne bonsai are suitable for wiring when small or medium-sized trees. They particularly suit cascade and informal upright styles. We recommend using wires with a thickness that matches the thickness of the branch: if the wire you choose is too thick you will damage the bark. If it is too thin, it won’t be effective.

Repotting your tree is an important way to provide a fresh and suitable soil mix and ensure appropriate root health. Repot your Daphne bonsai every two to three years. Only remove a quarter of the root mass during repotting. This species is sensitive to root disturbance so proceed with caution. 

Trees that are ready for repotting will require root pruning, a suitable new pot and appropriate soil mix.

When repotting, do not cut back the root mass by a large amount, and choose a well-draining soil mix that has a neutral or slightly higher PH value of 5-6 but not over 7. We tend to use a mixture of different speciality bonsai soils on our trees. Every species is different so please contact us for free soil-mix advice or to take advantage of our repotting service.

Bonsai trees aren’t only magnificent additions to an indoor oasis, they are more than capable of standing out in any garden. Many Bonsai species are incredibly hardy and withstand nature’s colder and damper turns with aplomb making them worthwhile outdoor plants. We have an extensive library of care guides for outdoor bonsai trees. It’s not about selecting the perfect bonsai, it’s about selecting the perfect bonsai for you. 

Daphne Bonsai - Typical Queries

Daphne bonsai can be susceptible to aphid attacks. It is also worth staying vigilant for viruses and grey mould. 

Daphne Bonsai can be propagated with seeds or cuttings. Seeds should be sown as soon as they have ripened. Softwood cuttings can be taken from the start to the middle of summer. Semi-ripe cutting from the middle to the end of summer. 

While hardy to considerable minus temperatures, Daphne bonsai are best kept outdoors for the full sun and aeration they demand.