Cycas Revoluta 45cm


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Cycas Revoluta 45cm
Cactus Focus Repotting Mix 2L
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1 × Cactus Focus Repotting Mix 3L £3.99

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SKU: Cycas Revoluta 45cm Category:

Cycas Revoluta 45cm

Bonsai Dimensions
Pot Dimensions
Height: 45cm      Height: 16cm
Depth: 30cm Depth: 10cm   
Width: 31cm   Width: 10cm

Cycas Revoluta Light:

Place the Sago Palm in bright, indirect light. It can tolerate some direct sunlight but avoid prolonged exposure to intense midday sun, as it may scorch the leaves. Indoors, a well-lit room is ideal.

Cycas Revoluta Temperature:

Sago Palms prefer warm temperatures. Keep them in an environment with temperatures between 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C). They can tolerate occasional drops to 50°F (10°C) but are not frost-tolerant.

Cycas Revoluta Watering:

Allow the top inch or two of the soil to dry out before watering. Water thoroughly but ensure that the pot has drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. Overwatering can lead to root rot.

Cycas Revoluta Soil:

Use a well-draining, slightly acidic to neutral soil mix. A mix designed for palms or cacti works well. Good drainage is crucial for the Sago Palm.

Cycas Revoluta Humidity:

Sago Palms can adapt to a range of humidity levels but prefer moderately humid conditions. Regular misting or placing a tray of water near the plant can help increase humidity.

Cycas Revoluta Fertilization:

Feed with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer). Reduce or eliminate fertilization during the fall and winter when the plant is not actively growing.

Cycas Revoluta Pruning:

Prune away any yellow or damaged fronds using clean, sharp pruning shears. Be cautious of the spiky tips on the leaves.

Cycas Revoluta Potting:

Repot the Sago Palm every 2-3 years or when it outgrows its container. Use fresh, well-draining soil and choose a pot that allows for some room for growth.

Cycas Revoluta Pests:

Keep an eye out for pests such as scale insects or spider mites.