The Fukien Tea bonsai tree (carmona retusa) is an elegant flowering indoor bonsai. Fukien Tea Trees have glossy, unique leaves and are popular for penjing

Fukien tea tree (carmona retusa)


The Fukien Tea bonsai Tree is an indoor bonsai and can only be kept outside in warm temperatures. They require full sunlight so choose a place it where it will receive the most light such as a windowsill. It thrives in warm climates around 20 °C, so place it where this sort of temperature is more or less constant throughout the year but avoid placing next to central heating sources such as radiators as this will dry out the root ball.  It can survive outside in the summer if the nights are warm enough. The tea tree is a little trickier in the winter when days are shorter and colder, so consider supplementing with artificial grow lights and horticultural heaters to provide adequate energy for healthy growth.


There is no definitive guide to watering and it should be conducted on an observational schedule, not a routine. This means that it is important to keep an eye on the moisture levels of the soil to avoid over and under watering, both of which can lead to dropping leaves and/or root death. The amount of water a bonsai requires depends on pot size, climate, airflow, soil and tree type so it is best to use your eyes and fingers to assess whether the soil is damp, wet or dry. As a general guide, if the top inch or so has dried, it is ready to be watered. When you water, ensure an even coverage over the roots and soil, allowing water to flow out from the bottom of the pot to allow for a good soaking. Never let the soil dry out completely and never let your bonsai sit in water for long periods of time.

The Fukien Tea bonsai Tree also benefits from slightly higher humidity levels. This can be achieved by using a mister to spray the leaves, as well as placing a gravel tray under the pot to create a more humid microclimate around the tree.


Using fertiliser on your Fukien Tea bonsai Tree will help encourage healthy growth and this should be done periodically from once a week to every two months and only during the growing season. You can start adding nutrients to your water from March until October and use weekly. If using solid fertilizer, use once every one to two months. With Fukien Tea Trees, less is more due to their sensitive roots and we tend to advise using half the recommended dosage to see how your bonsai reacts first.

Pruning and wiring

Pruning your bonsai is important not only to maintain or create an aesthetic style but to also ensure light and airflow can reach inner foliage and the tea tree handles regular trimming very well, and will grow dense branch structures as a result.

Training your bonsai using wiring is possible with a Fukien Tea bonsai Tree, and the young shoots are very pliable and easy to bend. take more care with the older branches as they are slightly more brittle and should be manipulate gently. It is recommended to not leave the wires on longer than three consecutive months to avoid biting into the delicate bark and causing scarring.


Repotting your tree is an important way to provide a fresh and suitable soil mix and ensure appropriate root health. As a general rule, your Fukien Tea bonsai Tree will need to be re-potted every other year, and only in spring, but you should check if it has become root-bound before you change pots. You can do this by lifting the tree gently out of the pot by the main trunk and examining the root system. You will know it is ready if you can see the roots are circling around each other and the pot. If, however they still appear contained in the soil, you should place it back and wait until the following spring to check again. Take care when pruning the roots of the Tea Tree as they are very sensitive, and pot into a well-draining soil mix to avoid problems with excess drought and wetness.

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